OsoKing Mezzy drops “Bag up” ft. Pheddi | @OsoKingMezzy
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Osoking Mezzy and Pheddi collab on this new bangin single titled “Bag Up“. Bag Up was produced by “Philosopher Beats”, and its available on all streaming outlets. OsoPhederal collaboration album is on the way.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUA7I9QFksY]
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Category: Hip-Hop, Official Videos
Tags: "Bag up", "OsoKing Mezzy", “Dj Smoke”, “Fresh New Hip-Hop Music”, “Fresh New Music”, “Hip-Hop Music”, “Hot New Hip Hop”, “Urban Music”, 2018, AudioMack, blends, Chicago, dj-mix, djsmokemixtapes, featured, hip hop, hot-new-music, indie, indie artist, Livemixtapes, mix, mixtape, Music, new music, NewMusic, Pheddi, rap, Rap-Music, Single, Spinrilla, Submit music, TRAP, underground, unsigned, urban