UmTasha Comes Through with New Single “Dont Care”

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Umtasha? A jack of all traits more like a creative genius. She loves all type of creative art that she invest her time in to learn how to do things in her own way. The name umtasha is pretty clever because Um is something that people always say no matter how you put it or say it. Umtasha music side is really Unique her creative ability to create what she does is not like other people. DONT CARE the newest single that she has dropped so far is about how being able to finally leave that toxic relationship and let that person know that you’re tired and will not deal with it anymore. Tired of everything that person put you through and finally not caring anymore. Umtasha wants her audience to come to her music for any thing Tempur-pedic even though the vibe of her music is Molotic she always think of ways to change it up. Check New Single Dont Care Now!!

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