Newark Rapper Chaos Is on His Way to Becoming a Household Name @Chaos_NCG


Born Jameel Laboo in Newark, New Jersey, rapper ​Chaos​ found healing in the music. Life was never a breezy road for him as he was forced into growing up under some poor conditions that took over him mentally. He started off practicing with poetry and eventually took things to the mic. He gained inspiration for his lyrics from experimenting with the streets at a young age. At first, his intentions were not to make music for the world to hear but it was more as a venting tool to heal his mind and soul.

Things blossomed into a career after Chaos found his deep love for expressing himself through music. Chaos was involved in rapping on the neighborhood corner for cyphers and he eventually moved up to performing in local showcases. His time in the streets eventually caught up to him and he was forced to go to prison for some time. After being

released he was determined to make it in the music industry. He made a lot of noise with his series of mixtapes. He released different mixtape series called Never Change, Never Change 2, NC3. and The Hardest Goodbye. Chaos also added acting to his resume writing and producing his own web series “Never Change.” Just doing anything he can to keep his mind where it needs to be. He displays his entrepreneur mindset through the music and his independent businesses all while staying true to himself. If Chaos isn’t helping the kids through volunteering or being the overall businessman he is, he’s in the booth recording his next resonating record. Chaos. At the moment, Chaos is preparing for the big release of his new album ​Crown Heavy so be on the lookout for that. Check out his latest release featuring Tsu Surf “Bend The Corners”

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