C.J. Watson & Street Da’ Villan Are “Dedicated 2 Excellence” (Album)


Seasoned and well-famed indie Hip Hop artists C.J. Watson and Street Da’ Villan team up to deliver an 8-track album titled “Dedicated 2 Excellence.” The Dallas, Texas (C.J. Watson)  and Syracuse, NY (Street Da’ Villan) duo enlist Poetic Killa and Kiza for production.

The album title is most fitting for this project as Watson and Villan provide the perfect blend of East Coast and southern vibes along with classic Hip Hop lyricism, trap, and signature metaphors and wordplay. Both C.J. Watson and Street Da’ Villan incorporate their truths, no holds barred, giving listeners an entryway into their lives as men and artists, without any gimmicks or any sugar-coating.

Overall, this is a body of work dedicated to excellence for Hip Hop heads across the globe, regardless of age, to embrace and press play without any skipping (a rarity in today’s music).

Stream/download ‘Dedicated 2 Excellence’ here on preferred platforms.

Connect with Street Da’ Villan and C.J. Watson

Street Da’ Villan

Instagram: davillan315

Facebook: facebook.com/streetdavillan

Twitter: streetdavillan


C.J. Watson

Website: iamcjwatson.com

Instagram: iamcjwatson

Facebook: facebook.com/iamcjwatson

Twitter: iamcjwatson

Snapchat: bigceasa


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