(Audio) Capital – What’s My Name @Capitalslist

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Brooklyn, NY transplant by way of Toronto, Capital, releases his brand new “What’s My Name.” Produced by Grammy-nominated Arthur McArthur & Grammy-Winning Geoffro Cause, Capital’s latest is an ode to Golden Age hip hop feels. A raw guttural groover, the track is laced in lyricism and retrospective storytelling.

“What’s My Name” is an introductory song telling the story of his journey, his challenges, and wins, and is inviting everyone to celebrate with him. It is a celebratory song that begs the question of why bother asking for a seat at the table when you can go out and build your own, plus the venue? If one door closes – see it as an opportunity to start closing your own deals. You may not have the biggest party in town but at least it will be all yours. You’re on Capital’s list!

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