(VIDEO) Mr. PB – On my grind @Therealmrpb3


Fun records never go out of style, especially when they have a visual that’s even better. Shot by Brian Hart, Mr.PB and his crew give some major Ferris Bueller vibes as they spend their day dodging some crazy dude who was simply trying to interrupt their vibe.

Mr. PB is a rap artist from Clinton, Maryland but he prefers to call it “Tikiland”. His latest single “On My Grind” is depiction of everyday life. PB feels that everybody should be on their grind or hustle working towards the next level in life. Mr. PB has been rapping all his life. He started to take rap serious after High School. With the influences like Wiz Khalifa, J Cole, Notorious B.I.G and Rihanna PB has created his own style that conforms to any instrumental.

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