(Video) Duffle Bag Buru – Adventures at the Bottom @dufflebagburu


Hailing from the Southside of Chicago by way of the East African nation of Burundi, Duffle Bag Buru is no stranger to musical success. Since entering the rap scene years ago, Buru’s work has garnered him coverage on some of Hip Hop’s biggest web platforms as well as leading to him being managed at one point by Chicago mainstay Cole Bennet of Lyrical Lemonade. Having released three full-length projects, including 2020’s High Times at the Bottom, Duffle Bag Buru has now opted to unveil his long-awaited miniseries titled “Adventures at the Bottom.” Speaking on the miniseries, Buru shared:

“This series, Adventures at the Bottom was a chance to let my viewers know where my head currently resides creatively and as I evolve as a man. A chance for them to see the locations I put together the album art, but also my experiences and perspective. I want fans to see me in an element they’ve never seen before. I hope it gives the people who watch it an itch to go out and do something they’ve never done.” Check out the 4 episode mini-series here.


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