(Video) Damar Jackson -Everything @damarjackson


Love is that emotion that can drive you wild with passion and just as insane with pain. Right when you think you have love under control, it spirals out of your grasp and the outcome can be disastrous. R&B’s new vocal star, Damar Jackson explores this very theme in his new video “Everything”. Set to the tune of a piano caressed track and stripped down sound scape, D.J. let’s his sidepiece know how much she is adored, amid the pressing issue of dealing with his main squeeze: “You make me feel the way that she don’t girl/You give me everything that she won’t girl…” The trials and tribulations of lust and love.

“‘Everything’ is a song about a certain person that was rocking wit’ me while I was going through a real toxic relationship. Everything I couldn’t talk to my girl about, I could talk to this other girl about. We ended up being close but my loyalty was still to my girl. So I never told anybody about this one special girl that was there for me,” Damar explains. “The passion in this song shows how much you can connect with somebody but still love someone else.”

The video, however, begins with a scene that many people of color can say they have dealt with, blatant racism in an establishment that goes unchecked in full. “This video takes you through real life situations in Louisiana. How racism is still alive and how we deal with violence within our own communities,” says D.J.

Having the two dueling themes of love and race issues visually clash makes for a mix of emotions when you watch “Everything.” The director, Cinemadona, works the angles just right to get the story across on screen. Yet, that love triangle still tugs at your core when you hear the pain in Damar’s main girl’s voice. “We don’t have many resources, so we love real hard and take loyalty very serious. You will see how I spend a lot of time with the person that I can’t be with. We share moments that allow us to grow but loyalty keeps me with the one I started with,” Damar maintains.

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