TDIMUZIK Gets It In With New Heat “ShowTime”  | @TDIMuzik



TDIMuzik brings forth brand new heat within the 4th quarter of the busiest time
of the year in music with “ShowTime” produced by Automatik Beatz.

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TDIMUZIK Gets It In With New Heat “ShowTime” | @TDIMuzik

About The Author
- I am a 27 year old CEO based out of New York, NY. Born and raised in Miami with a family of 7. I Started in the music industry in 2009, as an events manager at a well known club in Manhattan. While working at the club and building up my relationships and connections with many of people in the industry I started my own promotion company. My company currently offers email blasting as well as promotions for artists videos, singles, mixtapes and more. To contact me you can email [email protected] or follow me on Twitter @JennThePR.