(Audio) Glit Jeezus – “First 50 Grand” (feat. Jim Jones) @Glitjeezus @jimjonescapo

Glit Jeezus gives his audience an adrenaline rush with his new single, “First 50 Grand” featuring Jim Jones. Jeezus explains the inspiration from the single comes from life experiences and the drive to creating “ya first ’50 Grand”. The song is powerful, instrumentally incorporating elements of the guitar and piano. The song makes you feel as if you are in the movie, Rocky. Artistically, the single’s instrumentals are smooth and enticing. Jim Jones’ feature on the track adds that extra flair and intensity, perfectly matching the energy of the single. Produced by Bvtman, this single is lyrically enticing and exciting. Be sure to listen to Glit Jeezus’ new single, “First 50 Grand” featuring Jim Jones out on multiple platforms.

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(Audio) Glit Jeezus – “First 50 Grand” (feat. Jim Jones) @Glitjeezus @jimjonescapo

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