(Video) Blockboi Twitch – 100 Days”

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Blockboi Twitch is a young new artist from Toronto, specifically the Black Creek & Tretheway area, for those who know the Southside of Jane.

Blockboi has an impressive sound and distinct flow that stands out right away. Setting himself apart as a voice for the streets and aiming to lead by example, he had this to say on the new video “I’m just talking to the people and showing my side of everyday life. It might be a struggle to some and might be great for others to live the fast/hustle/grind life and do what’s gotta be done to survive.

So my first video and track I released from my upcoming mixtape is called “100 Days”. It’s just a new sound that makes us through to the next day. Showing the area I grew up in starting off with the new generation of the kids of the area to the older heads and giving you a breath of fresh air. I have a couple videos coming up this summer & new music so watch out for it.”

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