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Cori Broadus, Snoop Dogg’s daughter, has been the subject of social media ire for months. In May, the 22-year-old admitted to having mental health issues as a result of years of being told she was overweight, ugly, and unworthy.

During the process, she openly admitted that she had considered suicide, saying, “At one point I tried to end my life but you & my family really give me a purpose to live & helped me realize Iife is much more than materialistic things & you gotta just keep pushing through the bullshit.”

However, it appears that Cori Broadus is still coping with the same negativity that drove her to such a low point. Broadus revealed a private message she received in her Instagram messaging on Tuesday (July 13) that said, “Tummy tuck and breast reduction hunni you have the money.”

In response, she said,  “Like what y’all b so miserable on here. Like I don’t know what I’m suppose to do my shit just big as fuck. Y’all be annoying on here.”

She went on to say in another post: “Oh she 2 big oh she 2 skinny oh she this oh she that.. embrace what you got and shut the fuck up.”

Broadus eventually confessed that she was “scared to get any type of surgery” while she pleaded with passers-by to leave her alone.

Broadus stated what caused her desire to terminate her life shortly after she revealed her suicide attempt.

“People always talk about me, ‘You’re fat, you’re ugly, you’re dark, you’re this, you’re that.’ And I used to cry,” she explained in another Instagram post. “At 13, I was ready to die. Just so sad, crying to my mom like, ‘I’m so ugly, why did you have me? Why do I look like this? Why don’t I look like my brothers?’ It was just so many why why why’s”

The recent graduate also expressed her dissatisfaction with how many people believe her life is simple since she is the daughter of a superstar.

“Just because you have money and just because you’re able to do certain things that other people can’t do, that doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart, a mind, a soul,” she added. “I go through it just like everybody else. It don’t matter cause my dad is rich, I drive a Toyota Corolla and I am content.

“My dad bought me that car and I’m not gonna lie, at first, I was like, ‘Hm… a Toyota Corolla?’ You just learn to appreciate stuff because, at the end of the day, this stuff don’t matter.”

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